EDG DrumWorks is committed to providing Drum Repair, Drum Restoration, Custom Drum Services, and "one-of-a-kind" Custom Drums.
We are steadfast in maintaining and growing
our unique brand while constantly adhering to the highest quality standards
in the drum refinishing trade.
- The EDG Team -

My wife and I, in our planning for ‘life after retirement’,
had a vision of promoting the arts in our
local community and worldwide.
With our combined experience working in education,
advertising and marketing, video, drum restoration,
and performance administration,
we believe we have what it takes to make a difference for the arts.
Providing our services to include quality vintage drum restoration and authentic handcrafted custom Edg Drumworks Drums
is the best way we know how.
Customers seeking custom one-of-a kind drums
Vintage drum enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.
Customers seeking drum repair and restoration

Our unique “One-of-Kind” custom drum products, along with our family/community orientation, creates a “2 for 1” brand exclusive to EDG DrumWorks.
We strive to keep the the vintage drum legacy alive through the love of restoration and customer partnership. We are also passionate about promoting the arts through school collaboration programs, community outreach events, and the worldwide web